Case Studies
Discover how Greville Pabst has helped buyers, sellers and investors make smarter property decisions.
‘When the time came to sell our family home of 41 years, Peter and I were a bit daunted by the prospect. Having only ever purchased that one property, our experience with real estate was very limited.’
Sally and Peter
Buyers & Vendors Advocacy
May 2021

With so much money involved we wanted to be sure we made the right choices and didn’t feel confident embarking on the process alone.
When we met with Greville for the first time all our concerns were alleviated. Knowing that he would guide us through the process of buying and selling and use his knowledge, experience and connections to help us get the best result was very reassuring.
Securing our new home
Within a week of meeting Greville we found the perfect new home for us. Greville inspected it and agreed it was a good property. A few days later they called a silent auction. There was a lot of competition and we’d fallen in love with the house. We were willing to pay more to ensure we got it. But, Greville was adamant we shouldn’t pay more than it was worth and told us we only needed to offer a little bit more. He did all the negotiating and secured it for us, saving us a lot of money as we would’ve gone much higher.
Selling our family home
Before we engaged Greville, we’d met a couple of agents who’d left us feeling confused and uncertain. Because Greville has been in the industry for so long, he was able to introduce us to an agent suited to our property and our needs. We liked him, so we engaged him. After just three opens we had a lot of interested buyers. We didn’t want to risk them dropping off, so on Greville’s advice we asked for offers to create some urgency. We received a number of offers and accepted the highest – setting a price record for the area!
‘When we found the perfect property – we didn’t want to risk missing out. Greville gave us a distinct advantage in a very hot market and we walked away with what will be our dream home.’
Brett & Megan
First Home Buyers
Buyers Advocacy
July 2021

We’d been looking for a good 18 months before we found what we were looking for – a unique, architecturally designed 70’s home, completely untouched and full of original features. It was exactly the home we wanted for our growing family and we didn’t want to miss out.
While we’re pretty savvy, knowing how hot the Melbourne market is and having seen friends and family miss out on property after property, we knew that having Greville’s experience and expertise on our side was an advantage worth paying for.
An advantage worth paying for
From the outset we thought the advertised price range was on the low side. Greville’s knowledge and research meant we went into auction day knowing what the house was worth and what would and wouldn’t be a good price to pay for it.
We wanted the home badly and were incredibly nervous come auction day – as were all the other buyers. The difference was they were all bidding themselves. We watched as they battled it out, until there were just two fighting to the death. At this point Greville, cool, calm and collected, came in hard with a $5,000 bid and knocked them out of the water. He secured the home, our dream home, for exactly what we’d estimated it was worth – $400,000 over the advertised price.
‘In the span of a week Greville found our dream home and secured it for us – for almost $500,000 less than it was valued at two months later ’
Nicholas & Kristina
Home Buyers
Offmarket Purchase
March 2021

We’d well and truly outgrown our apartment and needed a bigger house with room for the kids to run around and grow up in. We knew what we wanted and where we wanted to buy. But we also knew that in Melbourne’s hot market there was a good chance it would be out of our reach.
Working in the finance industry, I’ve seen first-hand how advantageous it is for buyers to have an advocate working for them – so I didn’t think twice about engaging Greville to find us a new home.
Securing our new home
Within a week of our initial meeting, Greville called and said he had an off market property he wanted us to look at. We did a walk through and at the risk of sounding cliché it was literally ‘love at first sight’. Thinking that this home was likely to fetch a sale price well above our budget and not wanting to get our hopes up, we asked Greville why he was even showing it to us. He simply said ‘leave it with me’…
Greville made an offer that day that was well within our budget, to see where the vendors were at. They countered with an offer $100,000 above. Greville went back with one $60,000 under and called 15 minutes later to tell us the property was ours.
He then went on to negotiate settlement terms, that gave us the time and flexibility to sell our current home and get the right finance arrangement in place.
‘We wanted to buy an investment property in Melbourne that could also be a second home for us once we retire. Not being property experts, we knew we needed a specialist to help us do it right’.
Interstate Investor
Buyers & Vendors Advocacy
March 2021

While we have been to Melbourne for work and international travel more times than we can count, we really weren’t very familiar with the city and all that Melbourne had to offer.
We knew that we didn’t have the knowledge, experience or time necessary to find a property that would perform well as an investment and be a suitable home for us in the future – and weren’t willing to risk getting it wrong.
Working with Greville
When I first met Greville he took me around Melbourne and showed me different areas and communities. Until then I had no idea just how much Melbourne had to offer in terms of lifestyle. It helped me see the potential each area offered – from both an investment perspective and a lifestyle perspective.
At each and every stage of the process it was clear our best interests were Greville’s priority. He never rushed us, instead staying focussed on our needs and making sure we bought a property that met them. There were properties we liked, but Greville crunched the numbers and we could see that they simply wouldn’t meet our investment needs. There were also a couple of properties we wanted and bid for, but stopped because Greville could see they were going for more than they were worth.
Once we found and secured the right property, Greville personally managed every element – from the building inspections through to
conveyancing. His property management team found us great tenants and continue to manage the property. They’re also very good, taking care of every aspect of the property and keeping us informed and update.

We’re as invested in the process as you are. We join you on your property journey. Guide and advise you. Hold your hand. Stand with you and stand up for you.
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